Saturday 7 June 2008

A rough day...

Indeed it was. Most of my day was spent in bed after a slight touch of "the runs". It is difficult to cite the source of such as the three of us had exactly the same dinner on Friday night. I, however, was the only one to have a coconut milkshake to drink. William tells me coconut is a natural laxative so I'm putting it down to that!

Al also had a bit of a bad day. The shower in our hotel room is, shall we say, slightly variable in the water temperature it produces. While in the shower, Al was hit with a particular burst that, in his words, "would scelp ye". He jumped backwards, only for his heels to land on the inclined bit of the bath. He slipped forward and hit his back off the edge of the bath. He has recovered reasonably well - and some credit must go to the minibar, which provided some cold beer cans to apply to the "wound".

While we are on the topic of showers I must also warn any prospective travellers to Thailand. The showers here produce quite high pressure, thin jets of water. On my first entrance to the shower at this hotel (the same one that attacked Al) I was hit with a ferocious jet that, to put it mildly, caused great pain to a certain part of my male anatomy. Be warned.

We had our first tropical storm today - it's still going on. We got a soaking on the way home from dinner. It was quite good fun actually. Warm rain isn't too bad.

I must apologise, there are no photos for you today. I haven't got many due to my day of the runs. I'll try tomorrow...



Anonymous said...

glad to hear that there are no photos given what your day involved! hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Like Janet, glad there are no photos, of that particular episode anyway. Sounds like you would be better to await the next tropical storm and go outside with your shampoo, rather than risk exposure of vital parts to a high-pressure jet!

Emma K :-) said...

hehe this one made me giggle!! sorry to laugh at your expensense Jason but it was amusing! hope your having a good time! soo jealous! take care! x

Anonymous said...

its good that you getting all this sickness and stuff out of the way before i get there, i appreciate it, lol... nah seriously though, i hope you fele better soon, and alans back is ok again soon... 2 weeks til d day...

Andru McMillan said...

Dude, I haven't laughed like that in a while.